Saturday, January 16, 2010

Made HUGE decision last night after more hate inworld.

I went to club 7thElement to relax and dance some. I not there more than 2 minutes and girls begin being mean and hateful. Not just a little but lots. I let go about 20 minutes until had enough and left.
I sat thought about how I must not alone in problem. I not always want go to strip club because I not want to have feel pressured. I want go to dance and relax and have fun.
I made choice then. Was not hard really after mean girls exposure. So have built my own dance club today on a empty 4096 I have next door. Is called 'Copper Canyon'.
It is open to one and all, even skinny stick girls as long as everyone treats everyone nice. Is a place for all sizes, big huge busty, skinny little ittybitty, large girl avs (I have seen interesting big girls- you welcome here too!) dragons, elves, hunky men, nerdy men, robots, one and all. I biased to busty girls but will not make Copper Canyon busty girls only. Men are more than welcome to come too. But I hear one complaint about harrassing and person is gone for 7 days no matter who is. Hear again, and is lot ban. If they persist I have sim banned.
I have three dance balls in place and DJ stand already. The club will be available to all and for private events. ( I lock off and set to group of choice only)
I was told to make social group for this. Not affiliate with club, store or so forth. I decided make group Name "????????" help me choose ok?
Is located next door to MinkaMade Stop and take look. Make it home! MinkaMade members can set to home anywhere in Minkaland.